Wednesday, 30 July 2014


You sat Heavily on my Subconscious.

You existed in my mind
beyond my conscious, 
so my dreams revealed you in my sleep. 
There i did and confessed things
i cant in my conscious life.
I closed in on this dream, 
held it so dear and brought it closer 
to my closed eyes so i can see
with the spirit,
just so i can have a clear unpolluted image of you,
hear the waves your voice makes 
and feel your touch as i would in my busy reality.

So I kissed YOU.

And i woke up with your fresh breath
in my soul and your scent in my mind, 
and my nipples couldn't lie because 
i allowed you to nibble on them in my dream.

You existed in my mind 
beyond my conscious 
so my dreams revealed you in my sleep.

This time; caged in the serenity of this all, 
i couldn't help but surrender. This time; chained in the truthfulness of this all, 
I couldn't starter or tell lies
In my waking life, i run, i hide, i lie, i deny.. Slowly i forge and push thoughts of you away 
and hide under the busy schedule of my life.
This ain't fair, and even now, i know i speak in riddles,
My conscious couldn't lie.

Help me tell the truth.. Help me find my way to you, 
and in the tranquility of the space 
where our souls will meet, 

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